Program Evaluation, Research, and Technical Assistance
Our evaluation, research, and technical assistance services help you learn what is working, improve your program, and share successes
Censeo Group has provided program evaluation, research, and technical support to over 50 clients. We are located in the Cleveland, Ohio area, and work with large and small organizations across the United States and abroad.
Our team includes evaluators, content experts, and statisticians. We work across numerous content areas: PreK-16 curriculum development, teacher professional development, literacy, STEM/STEAM, college and career readiness, school improvement, social emotional learning, gifted education, and post-secondary education. We apply valid and reliable processes to collect information in school-based and informal learning settings. Our team is experienced in collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data using online data collection, surveys, site visits, focus groups, and review of existing information and documentation.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Evaluation
Our evaluation team can help you create an evaluation plan for your school-based or out of school STEAM project. Our work with projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the US Department of Education (US DE) positions us to support your STEM efforts. We focus on curriculum development and teacher professional development based on state content standards and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Our team is familiar with assessment of STEM learning and attitudes towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics from elementary through post-secondary educational settings.

Literacy and Social Studies
Censeo Group led the evaluation of the statewide Oklahoma Reading First Grant as well as evaluations of district-level Reading First programs in the Columbus City Schools, Toledo Public Schools, Youngstown School District, and others. We recently supported a county-wide teacher professional development program for the seven school districts in Medina County, Ohio. You can feel confident that our experience with these projects, as well as our work with the Adventure of the American Mind social studies evaluation, will result in a high-quality evaluation plan for your humanities-focused project.

Gifted and Talented Students
Dr. Jarosewich is co-author, with Dr. Steven Pfeiffer of the Gifted Ratings Scales, published by MHS. She completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP), was evaluator of a Javits grant in the state of Ohio, and has published and presented at conferences about topics related to gifted education. If you are pursuing a Javits grant or are interested in learning more about the effectiveness of your gifted assessment strategy or the outcomes of gifted programming in your district or state, contact the Censeo Group team to see how we can help with your work.

Evaluations for Businesses, Foundations and Not-for-profit Organizations
Is your strategy effective? Are your programs having an impact? With our experience evaluating large initiatives as well as local projects, we will help you answer these questions. The Censeo Group team can support a variety of stakeholders – program officers, staff, grant recipients, board members – gain insight from the evaluation process.

Research and Proposal Development
The lifeline of the nonprofit world is the grant proposal. Our consultants are skilled in identifying and responding to requests for proposals (RFPs). We analyze RFPs for proposal and text requirements and identify criteria for evaluation. During our proposal development process we conduct research and literature review; create an evaluation plan for new or existing programs; develop, rewrite, and edit the grant narrative to align with grant requirements. Our team can be brought on for the full proposal or specific aspects, such as drafting the measurement and evaluation (M&E) framework.

Reports and Publications
When the world needs to know what you do, let us help you write and edit your reports and publications. Our editor has more than 30 years of experience in the field of communications, with more than 10 years of experience with Censeo Group.

Training and Meeting Facilitation
Censeo Group consultants can provide targeted technical assistance such as facilitating meetings and learning events, training staff in evaluation techniques, and providing professional development.